National Whirlwind

Wow. What a week. I don’t even know where to start. I learned more than I expected, was inspired more than I thought I would be, and was star-struck beyond belief.

Highlights of the week:

1) Running into Nora in the hall. Oh. My. God. Talk about being star-struck.

2) Pitching. Not nearly as bad as I thought. Even with all the quirky eyebrow looks I got whenever anyone asked the dreaded question, “Who are you pitching to?”

3) Debbie Macomber’s “Why Not You?” speech. Inspiring. It WILL be me.

4) Susan Elizabeth Phillips admission that yeah, she SUCKS at writing synopses.

5) Being surrounded by 2000 women who “get” it.

6) RS Braiding. I knew it, but BAM, it hit me how important it really is.

7) Allison Brennan & Patti Berg’s class – No Plotters Allowed. Validation for those of us who don’t plot! Hilarious. And fun. And even though Allison now thinks I was stalking her (rolls eyes), it was a highlight.

8) The GH/Rita Awards. Even amid all the controversy of the presentation, I was awed. Not because of the pictures or music or presenters. But because of the winners. As a newbie, I zoned in on the important stuff…the women who have worked their asses off and earned the high honors of the Golden Heart and Rita Awards. Uber-inspiring.