
I guess I should start this by reassuring Lexi I haven’t fallen off the challenge bandwagon. While I haven’t been writing consistently every day (I’ve been sheepish the past two weeks as I transitioned into a new proposal and found myself floundering), I am very much still a part of the 100-Day challenge and even posted an update (renewed challenge?) at my chapter blog on Friday. As of last check (Friday), I was on day 40 and had written 49,000 words. So I’m nearly halfway to my 100K word goal with 60 days to go. Not bad. How are the rest of you doing?

Now to changes. Don’t worry, I haven’t totally lost my mind (as evidenced by my last post a few weeks ago), but I’m close. What had me in such a tither? Change. I’ll admit I’m not great with it. But as Alice so eloquently pointed out on my day of frustration, it really was a Star Wars moment after all, and I eventually did step up and face my destiny. Two weeks ago I was going to run for vice president of my local RWA chapter. After some changes (our president elect decided to resign for personal reasons), we found ourselves without a president. Yours truly has taken the bait and will now be running for president instead. The way our bylaws are set up, the vice president automatically assumes the presidency after a year serving as VP, so this would have hit me eventually anyway, it’s just happening a lot sooner than I expected. Nothing’s set in stone yet – elections are this coming Tuesday – but unless a sleeper candidate emerges from the shadows (Ha!), it looks as though I’m going to be in charge. (Now that’s a scary thought).

I’m excited about the upcoming office, but also nervous and worried people have more faith in me than they should. I’ve served as secretary of our chapter for the past few years so I sorta know what’s going on, but mostly I’ll be flying blind. Luckily, I have a great group of upcoming officers and there’s a lot of energy and excitement in the chapter right now. Hopefully we’ll be able to harness that and get some great things done this year. And when all else fails, I have my friend and CPJoan – to commiserate with as she recently started her own RWA chapter and is a president herself now. (Joan, how the heck did this happen to both of us???)

Wish me luck.