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Twenty years ago she had her whole life spread out before her like a mesmerizing map. She was Bess Walsh, a fresh-scrubbed, middle-class student ready to conquer the design world. And she was taken. Absolutely and completely.
But not by Andy, her well-groomed, intellectual boyfriend who hinted more than once about a ring. No. During that hot summer as a waitress and living on the beach, she met Nick, a dark haired, local bad boy. He was, to put it mildly, not someone she could take home to Daddy.
Instead, Nick became her dirty little secret; a fervent sexual accomplice who knew how to ignite an all-consuming obsession she had no idea she carried deep within her.
Bess had always wondered what happened to Nick after that summer, after their promise to meet again. And now, back at the beach house and taking a break from responsibility, from marriage, from life, she discovers his heartbreaking fate–and why he never came back for her. Suddenly Nick’s name is on her lips…his hands on her thighs…dark hair and eyes called back from the swirling gray of purgatory’s depths.
Dead, alive, or something in-between, they can’t stop their hunger.
She wouldn’t dare.
Don’t you just LOVE that cover? Please help me welcome Megan Hart to the blog!
1) What kind of books do you love to read and how do those stories impact your own writingPleasure and Purpose ?
My favorite books are horror, sf and f, thrillers. Books about serial killers. But not romantic suspense, go figure! I don’t read much of what I write, especially when I am writing it, but…when am I not writing it…so that means I don’t read a lot of erotic romance or romance unless it’s in between my own books.
2) What are you working on presently? What about upcoming releases?
Right now I’m editing several projects and plotting a Spice Brief. I have a whole bunch of upcoming releases – the best way to keep up with what I’m doing is to check out my blog at www.readinbed.net where I usually blabber about what I’m writing, what I have coming out, what I’m thinking about doing, that sort of thing. This summer I have DEEPER coming out from Spice, followed by Pleasure and Purpose and No Greater Pleasure, two historical fantasy romances out from Berkley Sensation in September and October. I’ll have a couple more Spice releases coming up, as well as two books from MIRA and a few more books in the Order of Solace series from Berkley…I’m going to be very, very busy writing. I hope you’ll all be busy reading!
3) What’s the best compliment you ever got on your writing or book(s)?
The best compliment anyone can give me is that my work moved them – to cry, to laugh, to kiss their partners. Something. That’s the best.
4) What’s your writing schedule like?
During the school year it’s writing from approximately 9-3:30, interspersed with editing, Twittering, Facebooking and IM’ing…in the summer it’s usually writing poolside or editing in the morning followed by more work at the pool in the afternoon, then writing or editing from about 9 pm until 1 or 2 or even 3 am.
5) If you could be one character from any book you’re read or written who would it be and why?
I think I can safely say I don’t want to be any of the characters from any of MY books…wow, they have to go through a lot, don’t they? But hmm, from someone else’s…I don’t know. I guess I can’t pick once, since I’m pretty happy with my own life, I don’t want anyone else’s.
Megan is offering a copy of DEEPER to one lucky commenter. To be entered into the drawing, simply answer this question…
Do you like straight-laced heroes or bad boys like Megan’s Nick?