Oy…it’s been a while since I’ve been here. Sorry! I have a good excuse.
Two weekends ago I went to an awesome weekend writers workshop and left my laptop at home. (And if you’ve never listened to Michael Hauge, and you’re a writer, your really should find where he’s speaking and go listen. The man is amazing.) My kids played on my laptop while I was gone and somehow downloaded a virus which has totally mucked up my system. After a week of trying to clean it up I have nearly everything working except for Google. And since blogger works off Google log-in info…yeah. I haven’t been able to blog. Grrrrrrrrrr… Right now I’m on the netbook but hoping to get my regular laptop back up and running soon. (Oh please, oh please, oh please…)
Aside from working on pulling my eyebrows out over the computer issue, I’ve been working on TEMPTED (Eternal Guardians book 3). The book is going good and I’m loving the characters.
In other news, I got an A+ review today on STOLEN SEDUCTION from The Good The Bad & the Unread! I can’t remember the last time I got an A+ on anything! My good friend (and fellow writer) Kristina McMorris has a way of keeping me firmly rooted in reality, however. When I told her about the review, she said, “…do you really think it’s a healthy policy to award a PERFECT grade to any author? I mean, where does an author aspire to go from there? Basically, they’re saying you just penned “The Sixth Sense” as one of your first books. And we all know what happened to THAT director since. All downhill from there.” Ah, thank goodness for friends who know how to bring everything back into focus. LOL
So let’s see…in other news…I have a few ARCs of MARKED left and I’m thinking of running a newsletter contest. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter…go do it soon!!! (The sign up form is on the bottom of the home page.) You just never know when I’m gonna start handing out ARCs!
Oh! And I almost forgot! Stay tuned because my new updated website is going to go live sometime this month! It’s really really really really awesome (did I say really? Trust me. It’s REALLY awesome.)
Hope you’re all well.
March 3rd, 2010 at 2:40 am · Link
missed ya! can't wait for marked!! have my fingers crossed for an ARC for marked so my wait won't be as long. am finally reading stolen fury (book i won here) and i'm in love with it! so happy i ended up ordering book 2 & 3 also! woot! my reading won't be interrupted by ordering and waiting 😀
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:18 pm · Link
Clearly that friend of yours — Kristina, did you say her name was? — is a wise woman. Genius, actually. You should really listen to her more often.
March 4th, 2010 at 6:26 am · Link
I am so slow…I kept thinking, "Who the heck would be so brazen?"
Now I know!
Yeah. That Kristina…wise woman. *snort*