Call Me Marilyn

Or Pamela. Or bleach-blond Playboy bunny (minus the really big boobs) straight out of Nickelback’sRockstar”. Because that’s me right now. Platinum blond. I’d post a picture but…yeah. Not gonna happen.

I went to get my hair done on Friday and my hairdresser and I had a communication breakdown. My normal hair color is an ash blond/light brown. (The pic at the left is pretty much me minus the highlights) Actually, I think it’s getting darker as I get older (I was golden blond up until my 20’s), but I’ve been highlighting it so long, who can tell? I went in for my normal touch-up – normally we do one blond and two different shades of brown so it’s all mixed together. Well, my color had faded and she said to me, “You don’t want to be this blond do you?” Now, when I look in the mirror I don’t see blond, I see brown and roots, so I said, “Do what you normally do. But I don’t mind being blond. It’s summer, after all.” Apparently, I wasn’t clear enough. Because I walked out of there looking like Marilyn Monroe. I think there are like three colors of blond in my hair and heck if I can see any brown at all. It’s hard to tell in the salon, so I waited until I got home, took a look in the mirror and went, Holy crap! Needless to say, I had a packed Friday so I couldn’t go back and have her fix it right away, and the earliest she can get me in is Tuesday. So until then…platinum blond I am. Which…I have to tell you…looks really hilarious because I have super dark eyebrows. (It’s those gypsy genes.) Even though my normal hair color is fairly light I’ve always had dark eyebrows, even as a kid.

It’s actually kind of fun to be a different color than normal, and I might enjoy being a “Pamela” for a while, except for the fact I need to get my author photos done this month, and I want to look normal for those. No bleach-blond bunnies on my books. LOL. So back to my normal light brown w/blond highlights I will go.

In other news, I finished my revisions on STOLEN FURY. God, I love this book. I’m so glad my editor does, too! I’m just giving it one more quick read through this weekend to make sure I covered all my revisions points. Then I’m moving on to the revisions for STOLEN HEAT this week.

Since it’s Mother’s Day (Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there!) let’s talk something non-writing. How about hair color? Ever done a dramatic “do”? And did you keep it or change it back? Several years back (loooong time ago in a galaxy far far away…) I decided to go red. Did it myself at home. Ummmmmmm. Yeah. Imagine me with flame-red hair. It didn’t turn out so well. The scalp was light (my normal color) and the ends soaked up all the red. It looked hilarious. Needless to say I had to have it fixed by the pros. It was the last time I did my hair myself. And I quickly learned red and my skin tone do not go well together.